
In the eighties a small piece of elastic was covered in fabric and the scrunchie was born. This trend was a hit with females of all ages. Most have since abandoned this fad and moved on to less obvious forms of bundling the hair. Ponytail holders and "no pull" elastic bands have taken over and are much for acceptable for both male and female.
This gentleman apparently said to him self before breezing out the door " It may get a bit warm at the restaurant, I should grab a scrunchie just in case." He apparently didn't get the memo. Had I had a few more beers in me I would have told him. Female age 6 with scrunchie=cute. Male of any age with scrunchie=please have someone do a once over before you leave the house to remind you it's 2005 and you're a MAN!
Shut up! You did not take a pic! LOL...omg...the only way that man can get a sympathy pat on the back is if he just woke up from a coma and was in "the special school" before that...
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