Cowboy Ugly

There is a place in Vegas where (as a good friend puts it) "smiles go to die." This place is called the New Frontier Casino. And inside this nest of smoky blue haired ladies and slot machines there is a little country and western "club" called Gilley's. Oh Gilley's.
It is 50% lovely young ladies riding mechanical bulls in bikinis and dancing in cages. The other 50% is a counterpart of this fellow. Middle aged white men in wife beaters tucked into to their Wranglers. Few go in without the ten gallon and the over sized belt buckle. It was a haven of over weight men trying to "lay the pipe."
And if pictures could represent smells, I wouldn't be able to post this at all. The overwhelming smell of cologne cleared my sinuses. But he made up for it with the gold necklace that so delicately laid among his forest of chest hair.
If you do travel to Las Vegas. Stop in and say "Howdy"... if you're in the military. Then it's only $5. If you're a lady, it's the only "club" on earth that will charge you $5 extra.
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