Hello Buttcrack

I wonder what this little miss thang was thinking when she dressed herself before she went out this fateful night. Maybe it was something like, "how could I most closely resemble a circa 1982 twenty eight dollar skank?" If that was her intention she has succeeded miraculously.
She started off with a skin tight black T that accentuates every curve and roll of her body. Notice her darker legs. Thats right folks, she has sheathed her legs in fishnet stockings. Finally to bring the ensemble together she dialed up Britney Spears for advice.
"Hey Britney what up? I need some advice on what to wear tonight to make me beautiful and men to want me."
Britney- "Oh honey that's too easy. Wear something that is four sizes too small for you and no underwear. Then get really drunk, take some horse tranquilizers and make sure you aren't wearing any underwear."
Oh yes everyone. Those are HOT pants. The hottest of the HOT. So HOT they are literally burning off. This particular pair was designed by the good folks in Beaverton to put the onus on her rump. What an onus it was. It was like a great big target or flashing neon sign. She has a lovely little butt crack poking out that is covered by neither the pants or the shirt. What a delicious treat some lucky fellow must have taken home later that evening. An even better surprise when he wakes up in the morning to find what is lying under his covers with him. It has the makings of a true Hollywood love story doesn't it?
are we sure that's a lady?
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