PDX Fashion: LA Edition

(If I'd have gotten a photograph of the front, I might have won a Pulitzer. Chick was out of control crazy. She made no mistake of the home business she was running. Man, I'm so inspired by self-starters.)
Los Angeles is a city with a rich historical tapestry whose stories can only be told by those re-enacting the olden times.
Much like a recreated Civil War battlefield can show you the plight of war-time soldiers, Santa Monica Pier is proud to now offer up modern day hookers with 1970s sensibilities. Miss the good old days when hookers just came right out and said, "Hey, I'm a hooker," without all the hubub of possibly being just a normal woman walking the streets after dark? Look no further than the Santa Monica Pier, a Historical Hooker's paradise.
I thought to myself, "Man oh man, I am looking for an OLD SCHOOL streetwalker tonight. I mean, whatever happened to fur coats and thigh high fishnets on a barely legal Asian girl? Those were the good old days..."

And then God answered my prayers.
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