Sneak Preview

You can't keep a lot of secrets in Las Vegas. We can see the desperation in the length of time folks spend sitting at the penny slots, and the length of the ash on their cigarettes. We can see how much money you're spending on your trip if you come down from the Bellagio Elevator or just stroll in from the street. And----what?----damn!----girl, we can see all your lady business in that cut out skirt!!!
Maybe the group counselor at your halfway house told you to be open with people, but that is something that should be closed up, sealed, and maybe you should throw away the key. I'm not going to even ask what that squiggly is on your inner left thigh, and why you felt the need to share it with us. You're obviously on the prowl, and quite possibly "on the job," but damn girl, if you want to work for Heidi Fleiss, put on the rest of your skirt. The indentions those little circles will leave are going to look like polio shots come morning...
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