The Leg Warmer Legacy

Ahh... The broken fashion laws of SoCal. There is so little time to stop and prepare yourself to catch the perfect shot. Everything is moving and shaking. And most people invite the camera with the pipe dream of it being posted online or passed on to someone who wants to pay them lots of money to be a crappy actor or just sit there and look pretty!
I digress...
This white Lilly of beauty was not wrapped in Charmin Ultra Soft, instead her faux leg warmers are ripped up tube socks... Two pair, in fact. The light ruffle of the skirt that hangs so gently around her mid drift is a mere extension of the "warmers." Was it cold, you ask. Perhaps, for the average Southern California resident on a January evening. And I would like to also believe it was. (Which still doesn't make any kind of leg warmers ok.) But instead I convinced myself she rushed to work from a Fame audition. I hope she gets the part because I wouldn't want her only claim to fame (no pun intended) to be someone ripping her carefully crafted outfit apart online for a cheap laugh.